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Are you noticing signs of memory loss, confusion, or frustration in a loved one? Join us for an insightful presentation by Dr. Catherine Madison, a renowned neurologist with Seniors at Home.
Your loved one is starting to show signs of memory loss, confusion, and increased frustration.
With society’s increasing awareness of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, the medical community has shifted toward earlier evaluation of cognitive changes, which has led to a growing recognition of conditions that resemble dementia but whose effects can be reversed with treatment.
Neurologist Catherine Madison M.D. with Seniors at Home will provide a comprehensive presentation about:
The Library was designed by the firm of Bull, Stockwell, and Allen. The architectural style is that of the 19th century railroad yard in Tiburon.
The site is part of the landfill of the 1890s done to create the railroad yard. Windows frame views of the marsh lands and Old St. Hilary's Open Space preserve.
The expanded library was designed by Brown Reynolds Watford Architecture and added approximately 9,000 square feet, bringing the total size of the library to about 19,500 square feet.